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About ECS

Elkin City Schools, nestled in the scenic foothills of North Carolina in Surry County, is a highly-rated public school district. Administration Offices are located at 202 West Spring Street, Elkin, NC. Comprising one elementary, one middle, and one high school, the district operates under the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Steve Hall. With a student-teacher ratio of 13:1, it serves approximately 1,275 students from Pre-K through 12th grade, offering a personalized and innovative learning experience for every student. 

Between 2022 and 2025, Elkin City Schools advanced from #10 to #7 among the best school districts in North Carolina. In 2025, the district ranked #1 in Surry County, #7 out of 115 districts in the state, and #9 for having the best teachers in North Carolina.


Elkin Elementary School is located at 135 Old Virginia Street, Elkin, NC and is led by principal, Dr. Emily Rycroft and assistant principal, Mrs. Kayla Simmons. Dr. Rycroft has held the position of principal since. She is passionate about creating an environment where all students are included and feel loved. Dr. Rycroft challenges every student everyday to be no less than their best and lives this everyday as her school motto is #NoLessThanOurBest. Mrs. Simmons left the classroom as an Elkin Elementary teacher in 2022 and stepped into the assistant principal position. Mrs. Simmons has fallen into place in this role and has taken pride in making students feel safe and secure and believes that every student can learn and be successful.

emsElkin Middle School is located at 300 Elk Spur Street, Elkin, NC, and is connected to the high school by a covered breezeway that leads into the Dixon Auditorium lobby. After serving as assistant principal for the elementary school, Dr. Jennifer Hall took the role of principal at the middle school in 2022. Dr. Hall has dedicated her heart to building quality relationships with her students, staff, families, and the community of Elkin. Dr. Hall’s desire for all students to have a rewarding and memorable experience as they are prepared for high school and then college and careers. Her and her staff are committed to the middle school motto “Every Member Succeeds.” 

ehsElkin High School is located at 334 Elk Spur Street, Elkin, NC. Mrs. Amanda Burton has served as the principal of the high school since 2022. She has previously served as the middle school principal and the high school assistant principal before taking this role as principal. As an Elkin graduate, Mrs. Burton prides herself in the Blue and Gold and feels that Elkin is a wonderful place to live and raise a family and everyday she reminds her students that it is a “Great Day To Be A Buckin’ Elk!” #GDTBABE. She believes that even though the school may be small to some, building close relationships between students, teachers, parents, and the community is one of their strengths. Mrs. Burton values community support and her desire is for the high school to continue to provide an excellent educational experience with high expectations for all students.

Mr. Heath Foster serves as the assistant principal for both the middle and high schools. In 2022, Mr. Foster taught for Elkin City Schools for several years and also led our Global Learning Academy as principal, prior to his role as assistant principal. He believes in working hard and getting the job done. However hard the task my be, Mr. Foster takes on the task by the “Elk” horns. He pushes students to the max challenging them to be the best that they can in the situations they are given. He encourages students to be dependable and take responsibility for their own learning.

Elkin City School administrators are truly exceptional, consistently working hard to get the job done. Students and staff across all three schools are fortunate to benefit from their dedication and leadership.