The Elkin City Schools Board of Education will conduct a special called meeting on Monday,
January 6, 2025. The meeting will begin at 8:00am and be held at the Elkin City Schools
Administrative Building, 202 W Spring Street, Elkin, NC 28621.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide training for the Board of Education. It is anticipated that
the meeting will not include a closed session.
Elkin City Schools Board of Education
Mrs. Jennifer Kleinheksel, Chairperson
This will be an in-person meeting. It will also be streamed live on YouTube.
Streaming Link: https://youtube.com/live/WCfPCarMqKE?feature=share
There will not be a Zoom hybrid meeting link for this meeting.
If there are technical difficulties during the live stream, another link may be required to resolve the issue. Please check back here for updated information should the link above fail to work.
** Regular BOE meetings have a public forum. It is denoted on the agenda as Public Forum. The agenda can also be found on the website under the Board tab. If you join the BOE meeting through Zoom and would like to speak during the Public Forum, please use the chat feature in Zoom to type a message that simply says, “I would like to speak.” You must sign into the Zoom session with your correct name, not a nickname.